Die nifbe-Forscherin Prof. Dr. Heidi Keller ist in das “Transatlantic Forum on Inclusive Early Years” berufen worden. Das unter anderem von der König-Baudoin-Stiftung geförderte internationale Forum hat das Ziel, mehr und besser in die Entwicklung von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund oder aus einkommensschwachen Familien zu investieren. Hierzu findet ein Austausch zwischen WissenschaftlerInnen, Fachleuten und politischen Entscheidungsträgern über Forschungsergebnisse, politische Maßnahmen und bewährte Verfahren statt.
Folgende ExpertInnen wurden in das Forum berufen:
- Isabel Alcada (Portugal): Former Minister of Education of Portugal, Writer, Professor
- Steven Barnett (US): Director of the National Institute for Early Education Research NIEER
- Kay Bellor (US): Vice President of US Programs, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- Charles Clarke (UK): Former Education and Home Secretaries Officer, United Kingdom
- Maurice Crul (Netherlands): Associate Professor, Erasmus University in Rotterdam
- Daniela Del Boca (Italy): Professor of Economics at the University of Turin and Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto.
- Patrick Dupriez (Belgium): President of the Walloon Parliament
- Jaqueline Fehr (Switzerland): Member of the Swiss National Council
- Eugene E. García (US): Vice President for Education Partnerships, Arizona State University
- Jana Hainsworth (UK, Belgium):Secretary General, Eurochild
- Heidi Keller (Germany): Head of Research Unit at Lower Saxonian Institute of Early Childhood Education and Development
- Joan Lombardi (US): Former US deputy assistant secretary and inter-departmental liaison for earlychildhood, administration for Children and Families
- Xavier Prats Monnè (Spain): Deputy Director-General for Education and Culture at the European Commission
- Ruby Takanishi (US): President, Foundation for Child Development